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Designed and tested by the best ball hockey players in the world and member of TEAM CANADA, Grip tape GC is now a must-have for ball hockey players
GRIPE TAPE GC is a new patented material designed SPECIALLY FOR BALL HOCKEY.
The grippy surface offers better ball control, shooting speed and greater precision than traditional hockey tape, study to support. GRIPE TAPE GC is also water-resistant and water-repellent to maintain your peak performance throughout the match.
An independent study entitled "Influence of physical properties of the hockey stick paddle on shots" carried out by Martin Plesch in 2019 compared Rezztek products (Our supplier) to traditional hockey tape. This published scientific study confirmed that Rezztek® significantly improves the speed and accuracy of your shots according to the following measures:
Accuracy: 6% improvement
Energy: 5% improvement
Speed: 3% improvement